Zuchowski – Reflection

Katelyn Zuchowski – Reflection 

Part One

To begin, I’d like to say that I would never consider myself a reader in describing myself as a student. For as long as I could remember reading was hard for me and my interest or lack of continued throughout high school and into adult years. In high school I was assigned two summer reading books and we were “hinted” to just watch the movies and well that’s just about all everyone did. Even during my junior and senior years of high school we would watch movies in class. During college the only books I read the first 3 years were required textbooks. While in college I would babysit often so the books I can remember reading were Disney books, leveled books and Amelia Bedelia books. It wasn’t until more recent years that I read just a few mindless love stories. I’ve read The Notebook, The Best of Me, The Last Song, The Lucky One and Dear John.

Part Two 

As I admitted earlier, I was never much of a reader until maybe this past year. As a 90’s child, before the No Child Left Behind Act when education shifted I truly can see myself getting left behind. If I was evaluated as a child I truly believe I might have been diagnosed with some sort of disorder truefully. It wasn’t until my late teenage years that I was diagnosed with ADD, maybe with the right diagnosis as a child I would have become a more fluent reader. I have always loved children’s books. Not only did I always love that I could physically read them, they kept my interest and kept me entertained. Into college as an Early Childhood Education major this love of children’s books has continued. It really took until just a few years ago for me to find enjoyment in books. The love stories I read independently were easy reads, no strong language or content about them. I enjoy that. I don’t find much reflection or can distinguish much between the types of book I have read. I push myself as hard as I can as a student, I will always takes whatever it takes to succeed. (Get extra help, study buddy or tutor) As far as myself, as a reader, I would unfortunately fall short.    


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